
Ray Of Hope

MIPS Components

Components of MIPS architecture:

  1. MIPS instruction Set Architecture:The MIPS 32& MIPS 64 Instruction Set Architecutre define a compatible family of instructions dealing with 32 bit of data and 64 bit of data (respectively) within the framework of the overall MIPS architecture. Included in ISA are all instructions, both priviledged & unprivildedged , by which the programmer interfaces with the processor. The ISA guarantees object code compatabilities for unpriviledged and often priviledged programs on any MIPS32 or MIPS 64 processor.
  2. MIPS priviledged resource architecture : The MIPS-32/64 PRA defines a set of environments and capabilities on which the ISA operates. The PRAA provide the mechanism necessary to manage the resources of the processor: virtual memory, caches, exceptions , user contexts etc.
  3. MIPS application specific extensions (ASEs): The MIPS32/64 architectures provide support for optional application specific extensions . An ASW can be used with the appropriate ISA and PRA to meet the needs of a specific application or an entire class of applications.</li>

Architecture Vs Implementation: When defining the characteristics of MIPS processor , architecture must be distinguished from the hanrdware implementation of that architecture.

Architecture refers to the instruction set, registers and other state , the exceptional model, memory mgt, virtual and physical address layout , and other features that all hardware executes .

Implementation- refers to the way in which specific processors apply the architecutre.

Originally Posted On: 2010-08-29 03:24:18

Anshul Makkar, anshul_makkar@justkernel.com


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